How to Upload in Money in Turbosquid

Below is a listing of commonly asked seller questions and answers. If y'all do not find the information y'all demand below, please contact support.

What exercise I have to exercise to sell my work?
What does it cost me to put my work on TurboSquid?
What is the grab? What does TurboSquid get?
What types of digital products can I upload for sale?
Can I change the author name or is it always set to my member proper noun?
Can I take my work downwards?
I take a huge library of files. Volition yous accept all of them for auction?
Where is the fellow member dashboard?
How practise I see my sales?
Is there a way for artists to promote their work on TurboSquid?
What does Power of Attorney mean?
I see a download of one of my products, just I don't run across a recent sale. How tin I tell who downloaded information technology?
How can I amend my product statistics?
Tin can I sell the rights to my content or my TurboSquid account to other members?
What are artist badges?

What do I have to do to sell my piece of work?

Selling your work on TurboSquid is simple! Simply start an account with u.s.a., which takes less than a minute. Then, upload the work y'all desire to sell using our upload feature. Use the production managing director to add descriptive keywords, price, and other information or files that help market your product. And yes, you tin put products on TurboSquid for gratis if you choose.

After yous're finished uploading your work, only click the Publish Production button, and in only a few minutes your work is online and will announced in search results prepare to sell!

What does it cost me to put my piece of work on TurboSquid?

Nothing. Uploading your work to TurboSquid is complimentary!

What is the catch? What does TurboSquid get?

There is no catch! TurboSquid only makes money when you make money.

When you lot make a sale, TurboSquid gets paid. We take a %  of the sale. How much depends on if you are a member of our SquidGuild . Exclusivity at our site is not required, but as an sectional member, you can earn actress royalties. When you determine to be an sectional TurboSquid member, yous tin can join our SquidGuild .

What types of digital products tin can I upload for auction?

Anything digital such as 3D Models, Texture Maps, Materials & Shaders, Motion Capture, Plugins & CG Scripts, Tutorials, Shapes & Vector Graphics, Game Levels and General Media. Nosotros support all file formats and all types of media. If y'all are confused how to present your products, delight contact our support department.

The writer proper name is the member name. If you would like to change your author proper noun, information technology is necessary to alter your member proper name. This can be changed under 'Member Info' on the Navigation Bar.

Can I accept my piece of work down?

You can take your piece of work down whenever you want unless the model is CheckMate certified.  All CheckMate models are subject to a 12-month commitment.

I have a huge library of files. Will yous accept all of them for auction?

Admittedly! Delight upload these files, or feel free open a Support Ticket for more than information on how nosotros can assist yous become your files online.

Where is the member dashboard?

The Dashboard can exist establish in the "Member" surface area under Account in the Navigation Bar and is a personalized infinite where of import sales data is available. If you lot are a SquidGuild fellow member, the Dashboard will allow access to your SquidLevel benefits and exclusive selling intelligence such as "top-selling" reports, Chapter Program process and much more than.

How exercise I meet my sales?

Check your sales existent-fourth dimension in the Sales expanse of the Member tab. Here you volition observe a study that shows your Account Totals, likewise equally Sales Summary past month.

Please note whatsoever special messaging from Accounting which may indicate that you demand to submit boosted information to receive payment.

Yes. One fashion is through an Affiliate link, which you can apply to link from your personal website to any folio at TurboSquid. Yous tin can link to your own products or a search, and if a sale results from that link, you volition receive a percentage of that sale even if y'all didn't link to that product directly. See the Affiliate Info link at the bottom of your Member Dashboard for more information most the Chapter program.

Additionally, SquidGuild members are eligible to submit their models for the 3d model characteristic on the TurboSquid homepage and in our customer newsletter. Y'all can discover more information nigh submitting models for the homepage characteristic hither .

What does Ability of Attorney hateful?

By joining SquidGuild, you are, by default, granting Power of Attorney to TurboSquid. Power of Chaser in this instance only allows TurboSquid to act on your behalf if another website is unlawfully distributing your 3d models.

If you need help with a takedown find, please contact TurboSquid Support for further assistance.

I meet a download of one of my products, but I don't see a recent sale. How can I tell who downloaded it?

You lot can find a breakdown of your downloads on your Reports page, which tin be accessed from the Account pulldown menu in the TurboSquid header.  You would then click on Downloads in the Statistics section.

Under Reason, there are two possible download reasons:

Purchase from DATE
This ways that the download came from a person who purchased your content. Proceed in mind that when a client purchases a model, they have admission to download it at any time, so you may see downloads of items purchased some fourth dimension in the past.

This means that a member of TurboSquid's support team downloaded the model in order to help a customer with a problematic file or conversion.

How tin can I improve my product statistics?

Statistics have a cascading effect. As you lot increase the Small Preview count, the count will also increase for Total Previews, Shopping Cart additions, and Sales because users will be seeing your products more than. You lot will take to experiment and see your results, but beneath are some possible ways to better your results on TurboSquid:

  • Small Previews: Add together keywords and fill up out all of the technical description fields (to show up in avant-garde searches on things like polygon count).
  • Full Previews: Edit the minor thumbnail to better display your production. Because of the size of the thumbnail, you might want to display a close up of a smaller part of your production.
  • Shopping Cart: If your production is has many Full Previews, but fewer Shopping Cart additions, you might want to attempt to increment the quality and quantity of the thumbnails and technical description.
  • The date range of the statistics tin be limited to examine time periods more closely and sentinel how changes affect action.
  • Sorting by several fields allows for farther flexibility on analysis.

Tin can I sell the rights to my content or my TurboSquid account to other members?

TurboSquid does not facilitate or block the sales of members' catalogs that take been transferred. It is the full responsibility of the parties involved to bargain with all contract/legal/payment/taxation bug themselves.

In the past, disputes near buying of rights have arisen when one party violates an independent rights-transfer understanding.  TurboSquid will not aid either party with this type of dispute, and if the dispute cannot exist resolved by both parties, TurboSquid may ban both accounts from the site at its ain discretion.  If you are involved in a rights-transfer agreement, information technology is in your all-time involvement to contact TurboSquid support to assistance avoid futurity problems such as TurboSquid blocking an business relationship for what appears to exist copyright infringement.

While members ain their content and are free to sell information technology, their names and account histories on TurboSquid are not solely their own.  Transferring accounts is ripe for abuse, so nosotros do not allow artists to buy, sell, donate, or trade accounts with the master intention of retaining badges, SquidLevels, and other business relationship-related data.  If TurboSquid discovers that a member is involved in transferring a shell account, we will permanently ban all accounts related to it.


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