Pattern That You Can Make With Circles and Squares

CSP: Digital Information

Circumvolve Square Patterns

based on resource from and geeks

PBL by Silver oaks

How many means tin y'all represent vii ?

The standard arabic numeral 'vii' is but one commonly used symbol to represent the number seven. There are many ways to communicate this aforementioned number that may use different symbols or representations, all of which are valid.

Let your imagination go wild and get more creative.

I will correspond '7' the post-obit style using emojis

cool kiss embarassed surprised foot-in-mouth yell innocent

come up upwardly with your own creative ways and reply the question in Google Classroom.

There are a diverseness of ways nosotros could correspond the number vii – nosotros might use the numeral 'vii' or the word 'seven', but this might be different in other countries or other languages. Today we'll run into how nosotros might represent the number seven using only two different shapes.


Generate Patterns

In the previous class, nosotros ended past deciding that ane of the best way to use our devices was to limit them to two options, let's say: option ane is circles and option ii is squares. Now allow's figure out how we can use these shapes to communicate lots of different pieces of information.

Work out how many different pieces of information (made of upwardly of circles and squares) yous can represent with iii place values. For case: circumvolve-circle-circle and circumvolve-square-circumvolve tin can represent two dissimilar pieces of information.

How many unique patterns were you able to make using circumvolve and square in 3 place setting?

Individual Activity

Circle Square activity

We agreed that there are eight possible patterns we can make with 3 place values. But, not anybody wrote these patterns in the same order, which ways nosotros don't all have the same seventh design! Our goal is to create a articulate fix of rules where, if the class were to follow these rules, anybody should generate the aforementioned listing of patterns in the same guild.

Students tin can complete the challenges individually using either physical or digital manipulatives.

Y'all will notice your digital manipulative once you open up the assignment in Google Classroom.

  • Task 1
  • Chore two
  • Chore three

Record all of the possible 3 place value patterns that use just the circle and square shapes. A few are listed in the diagram below.

Try to make certain these patterns are in some type of order and avert putting down patterns randomly

Reverberate on how you lot put the patterns earlier  in club from one line to the adjacent. Are there whatever articulate rules to follow? If you didn't use any articulate rules, re-practice Chore 1 with some rules in mind.

Use your rules from the concluding task to effort and generate all possible four identify value patterns using just circles and squares. Couple of examples are listed below.

You lot may need to add new rules or slightly alter your rules to account for all four identify value patterns, but endeavor to proceed them equally similar as possible.

Congratulations! You just invented your own organisation for counting and we at present have new means to represent the number seven! This happens a lot equally new applied science is invented and fine-tuned – dissimilar technologies might count in different ways. Tomorrow we're going to learn about the counting organisation computers use to represent numbers!

Discuss in Google Classroom.

How is counting in this circle/square system similar to how we count in our regular lives? How is it different?

How would you explicate a number organisation to someone who had never seen numbers earlier?

Circumvolve foursquare activity

students work


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